
Pancit-pancitan with Baybayin

Everyone loves pancit, but what about Pancit-pancitan?

Pancit-pancitan or Sinaw-sinaw (Bisaya) can be found in tropical places all over the world, including the Philippines. In Luzon it is typically known as pancit-pancitan, possibly due to its tube-like stems, while in the Visayas it is called sinaw-sinaw which may refer to its shiny leaves since sinaw means shine or shimmer. In northeast Brazil it is called “coraçãozinho” which means little heart, referring to the heart-shaped leaves (Kartika 2016).

In the Philippines, a simple recipe involves pancit-pancitan. Simply combine chopped tomatoes, diced red onion, and bagoong isda or ginamos. Make it healthier especially for vegans or vegetarians by using a vinaigrette with your local suka (vinegar) or add olive oil and a bit of salt!

Its scientific name is Peperomia pellucida, which might sound familar. That’s because it is in the same family as the plant from which black pepper is derived: Piperaceae, the pepper family!

Learn how it is used to treat certain ailments at Philippine Wildlife Art!


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2 thoughts on “Pancit-pancitan

  1. thanks for the info… pancit-pancitan grows in my garden, almost like weeds… altho i’ve known lobg ago that it could be consumed as a simple salad, i avoided it bcoz the informant, a traditional healer [as in “arbolario”] said it was good for hypertensives so i avoided it as my b/p usually ranged between 90/70 or 70/50… now that my b/p has normalized, i may try the plant for my gout…

    1. No problem po! I once grew it as well when we lived in Manila, but I hope to start a garden again with pancit-pancitan and kamote for talbos ng kamote. Sarap pag salad ang mga yan po e. Onward with healthy eating and growing!

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