Buwad, bulad in Bisaya, or Daing, Tuyo in Tagalog is a classic, country-wide practice and recipe that dates back since time immemorial!
It just needs 2-3 ingredients depending on the region: fish, salt, and sun. Other recipes include ginger, vinegar, and/or garlic before the fish is sun-dried for several hours.
Some fish are split open like danggit or rabbitfish, while others are kept whole like tunsoy (Tagalog), tabagak (Ilonggo) which are sardines & herrings depending on the region.
Being an island nation with 60% of Filipinos living at or near a coastline, and 10 of our largest cities at the coast, it is no surprise that buwad or daing is common all over the country (Philippines Environment Monitor, 2003 World Bank).
It’s important that we sustain our fish supplies, and establishing marine protected areas or MPAs, is one way this can be done. See Philippine Wildlife Art for more trivia on MPAs.
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