Women’s organizations located in the Southern Sierra Madre are now reaching out to more customers to purchase their “biodiversity-friendly” products.
Kamias prunes and catmon sinigang powder can be purchased from Emma Ayapana. She manages KUMARE, an organization that was founded in the 90’s after a typhoon hit their homes in Real, Quezon. It stands for Kilos Unlad ng Mamamayan ng Real – “Action to develop citizens of Real.” Kumare is also a term for fellow woman.
Cristy Luna, made the eco-bag below with the help of her family; it features a rafflesia flower. She is president of the KALIPI Infanta federation, which stands for Kalipunan ng Liping PIlipina – “Association of united Filipino women.” Kalipi is also a term for fellow group or ancestors.

KUMARE and the KALIPI federations of Real and Infanta work with the Women Go project of the Haribon Foundtion to insure that forest management in their protected area involves women leadership.
Biodiversity-friendly enterprises are just part of the work, as they are working with local government to include women. Worldwide, 85% of government agencies and ministries in charge of natural resources and the environment are still led by men (IUCN 2020).
For more information about these products and how to get them, contact Ms. Amelita D. Talotalo at inday.talotalo@haribon.org.ph. For info about Women Go, contact Ms. Arlie Jo B. Endonila at arlie.endonila@haribon.org.ph.